Jeff Potts. Actor
Willing to Travel.
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 140 Pounds
Eyes: Hazel
Build: Slender
Size Card: Waist: 30
Shirt: Large Inseam:32
Sleeve: 35 Shoes: 11
Neck: 15 Gloves: Large
Jacket: 40 Long Hat: 7 1/4

Best Actor Shannon Creek Columbus, OH 48 Hour Film Project 2015
Best Ohio Lead Actor Oremus International Indie Gathering 2015
Best Ohio Lead Actor Oremus Horror Hotel 2015
Best Male Actor Oremus MOFA 3WOT 2014
Jak Therapist Kris Kristensen (Post -Production)
The Den Lucas Sydney Waltz (Post-Production)
Longshots The Man in Black Eric G.Rex. Boso - g.rex productions
Atticus Retreiver Gavin Corrick Keenan Parry and Ason Intrigue (Post- Production)
Ten Minutes to Earth Gary Bad Atom Productions
The Clearing The Creature Jim Higgins - Outpost 31 Productions
Willow Falls Joey Bob Bates (Post - Production)
Shannon Creek Ron and Jack Chamberlain Jim Higgins – Outpost 31 Productions
Bloodwood Forest Lucas Louie Cowen – Kool Kat Productions (Post - Production)
Oremus Father Michael Jim Higgins – Outpost 31 Productions
The Guardian Angel Dr. Amos Kodjo Somana –Kodjo Arts Entertainment
The Wish Key Ron Doug Hughes
The Enemies You Keep Father Danny Rogers - Arris Productions
2010 - present
2010 - present
Waiing for Godot Vladimir Andy Batt - Shepherd Productions
King Lear Albany Kal Poole - New Players Theatre
Moby Dick Rehearsed Governor/Ahab RIchard Albert - The Columbus Civic Theater
The Voice of the Prairie Davey Quinn Kal Poole - SRO Theatre Company
A Midsummer Nights Dream Theseus Dee Shepherd - Actors Theatre
Titus Andronicus Chiron Andy Batt - Shepherd Productions
The Male Animal Tommy Turner Dee Sheperd - Actors Thetare
29 Bells Hal Theatre Deadelus
A Shadow in the Dark The Man in Borwn Jennifer Youngblood - Madlab
The Grapes of Wrath Uncle John Jerry McGonigle - WVU
Dracula Dracula Jerry McGonigle - WVU
The Playboy of the Western World Phil Beck - WVU
Hamlet Claudius Jerry McGonigle - WVU
Mary Rose Mr. Morland Lee Blair - WVU
Buried Child Tilden Charleston Stage Company
Romeo and Juliet Romeo Charleston Stage Company
Full Frontal Nudity (FFN) Ensemble Various roles, sketch and improv. ((2000 -2004)
Cliffhangers: The Seven Deadly Sins Ensemble Madlab
Theatre Roulette 2003 Ensemble Madlab
Too Much Theatre Ensemble Madlab
The Grand Guignol 2003 Ensemble Madlab
FFN's The Spirits of Christmas Ensemble Madlab
Dr. Baldam's MMRE Ensemble Madlab
Theater Roulette 2002 Ensemble Madlab
FFN's Operation Featherhead Ensemble Madlab
Sound & Fury Banquo Madlab
The Grand Guignol 2002 Ensemble Madlab
FFN's Dick Germs Ensemble Madlab
Theater Roulette 2001 Ensemble Madlab
FFN's Communication Breakdown Ensemble Madlab
Macbeth Banquo Rosebrier Shakespeare Company
Aidan 5 (Season 2) Butler Ben Bays and John Jackson
Columbus Neighborhoods - Worthington Minor /Supporting WOSU
Zero and One Jospeh Murdoch Jennifer Enskat - Beaunanza Motion Pictures
Web Series and Television
Training & Workshops
WVU College of Creative Arts
BFA in Theatre with an Emphasis in Acting.
Fort Hayes Pre-Professional School for the Performing Arts
Kevin McClatchy Acting Studio